21 août 2009

Lève-toi et brille

“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.

— Marianne Williamson

Hier, une nouvelle lune s'est levée dans le signe du Lion. Ceux qui regardent le ciel disent que c'est un bon moment pour se laisser aller à s'aimer un peu soi-même, à marcher avec sur les épaules une tête fière.

" It can be both exhilarating and threatening looking into the eye of our consciousness and seeing reflected our self at the center. (...) Perhaps rather than criticising our self for exaggerating our own importance it is more fruitful for each of us to seriously consider that before we can value our self and others we must first understand who and what that self is. (...) “The nail that stands up gets hammered down” resonates in the voice of a repressive authority restricting the spontaneity of our self-creating by demanding our conformity. (...) Perhaps a beginning point in our journey, acknowledging that there are infinite beginning points, is the opening of our heart to a greater self -appreciation and self-acceptance, less self-critical and self-condemning, that allows for a deeper valuing of our self not predicated upon approval of another. "
via Lauren

Brillons, rugissons, secouons notre crinière et traversons la brousse en jouissant de la force qui roule dans nos pattes de fauves. On ne peut être un autre que soi, et c'est une excellente nouvelle.

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