24 janvier 2010

Un dimanche

Je me sens parfois comme un enfant au milieu de sa chambre, debout parmi ses jouets épars, pris d'un vertige mêlé d'écœurement. Par où commencer?

"Are you happy?
This is, as always, not an easy question to answer and like for most people the answer can change on a daily basis. Generally, I am happy - probably the happiest I’ve been. I’m in a place in my life where I do things I love and surround myself with people I treasure. However, there are so many times where happiness feels like a distant dream and I guess that like all emotions, happiness isn’t absolute. And I’m tring to accept that just because you feel sad, it doesn’t mean that you’re an unhappy person. You just are a person that feels and isn’t it better to experience both happiness and sadness than not to feel at all?

I wrote this yesterday:
I am trying to live everything now and, almost effortlessly, I’m enjoying it more than I have in a while. I’ve set myself so many (too many?) goals in recent years and I suppose I needed time to sit back and reflect on my life. Only then I was able to set myself new goals and, almost without noticing, I have slipped away from mountains of ‘to do’ lists and instead, I am just doing it - as if it couldn’t be any other way. And if you know how this feels, you’ll understand how happy I am - despite all the dark corners and closed doors and a sadness that sometimes can feel infinite."

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