Le hasard est bon camarade. Cherchant dans mes archives quelque inspiration pour mon message du soir, je tombe d'emblée sur ces mots lus il y a quelques mois au sujet d'une pleine lune porteuse de promesses.
Dans mes rêves je marche sans guide, je suis à la fois le présent et le passé de ma solitude, l'avenue de Paris est si large que je m'épuise d'avance d'avoir à la traverser. Je m'accroche aux camarades silencieux de mon enfance. Je traîne sous un soleil mauvais.
Au réveil, je me vois petite, armée d'un piolet grand comme un jouet, pour franchir une montagne inclémente. Et pourtant je sais que la montagne sera franchie, que je retrouverai mes jambes d'adulte, et douées d'une musculature nouvelle, d'un nouvel instinct grimpeur. Simplement, il faut à cela le temps du passage.
"A lot of us came out of that period of trial drained, battered, and bruised. Many of us suffered loss. All of us, in one way or another were challenged to start anew (mentally, physically or both) in a new place (literally, figuratively or both), on the other side of a lengthy wormhole. So, how have we acquitted ourselves since then? Have we sought to be aware of our pain and loss or have we kept ourselves numb and oblivious? Have we taken care to clean the wounds or have we allowed them to become infected? Have we availed ourselves of the chance to heal or have we directed our energy away from it? Have we reached out to others washed up on the beach by the ecliptic tide or did we head inland to fend for ourselves? Have we accepted the helping hands hands offered to us or did we wander aimlessly back into the waves? What have we done? (...) As ambivalent as we may feel, as torn as we may be, tempted to look back and asking wherefore we have come, the moment may instead be right to look out and beyond as we near another monthly summit. Queen Elizabeth I was one of the most powerful people to walk this earth. A monarch when absolute monarchies still existed, she was accountable to no mortal. A visionary who fueled her empire for centuries to come with an economy of production (as contrasted to Spain’s economy of hoarding). A leader respected, admired and served by more than a generation of profoundly gifted men. Yet, near the end, all that she had gathered had not the weight of a moment to simply be. So, on this day, in this moment you are so lucky to have, that a queen would have traded everything for, ask yourself “what have i done?”. Not while holding your head in sorrow and remorse (as is so often portrayed in our culture) but as a call to vision the growing light."
"The example that comes to mind are the three transitions that took place in the earthly existence of the Buddha. Born, attained enlightenment and passed from this plane, all on the Full Moon. Of these three transitions, two of them all living beings have in common, forming the most obvious basis of our kinship. The third is, well, rare. All of them herald the beginning of something new, with a different energy, occupying a different space. Yup, ramping up like a stress test in the doctor’s office this is our chance to show what we are made of, to show that we have been strengthened, not destroyed by practices that have allowed us to not only survive but thrive through each successive transition. The key would seem to be that we can do this together, that none of us can do this alone, that in and through these transitions (which are about all of us, after all) we can indeed be great."
Dans mes rêves je marche sans guide, je suis à la fois le présent et le passé de ma solitude, l'avenue de Paris est si large que je m'épuise d'avance d'avoir à la traverser. Je m'accroche aux camarades silencieux de mon enfance. Je traîne sous un soleil mauvais.
Au réveil, je me vois petite, armée d'un piolet grand comme un jouet, pour franchir une montagne inclémente. Et pourtant je sais que la montagne sera franchie, que je retrouverai mes jambes d'adulte, et douées d'une musculature nouvelle, d'un nouvel instinct grimpeur. Simplement, il faut à cela le temps du passage.
"The key to the future: you don’t belong anyplace where you don’t get to be your brilliant and loudmouth self."
- Eric Francis
- Eric Francis
"A lot of us came out of that period of trial drained, battered, and bruised. Many of us suffered loss. All of us, in one way or another were challenged to start anew (mentally, physically or both) in a new place (literally, figuratively or both), on the other side of a lengthy wormhole. So, how have we acquitted ourselves since then? Have we sought to be aware of our pain and loss or have we kept ourselves numb and oblivious? Have we taken care to clean the wounds or have we allowed them to become infected? Have we availed ourselves of the chance to heal or have we directed our energy away from it? Have we reached out to others washed up on the beach by the ecliptic tide or did we head inland to fend for ourselves? Have we accepted the helping hands hands offered to us or did we wander aimlessly back into the waves? What have we done? (...) As ambivalent as we may feel, as torn as we may be, tempted to look back and asking wherefore we have come, the moment may instead be right to look out and beyond as we near another monthly summit. Queen Elizabeth I was one of the most powerful people to walk this earth. A monarch when absolute monarchies still existed, she was accountable to no mortal. A visionary who fueled her empire for centuries to come with an economy of production (as contrasted to Spain’s economy of hoarding). A leader respected, admired and served by more than a generation of profoundly gifted men. Yet, near the end, all that she had gathered had not the weight of a moment to simply be. So, on this day, in this moment you are so lucky to have, that a queen would have traded everything for, ask yourself “what have i done?”. Not while holding your head in sorrow and remorse (as is so often portrayed in our culture) but as a call to vision the growing light."
- Len Wallick
“It is not in his goals but in his transitions (that) man is great” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The example that comes to mind are the three transitions that took place in the earthly existence of the Buddha. Born, attained enlightenment and passed from this plane, all on the Full Moon. Of these three transitions, two of them all living beings have in common, forming the most obvious basis of our kinship. The third is, well, rare. All of them herald the beginning of something new, with a different energy, occupying a different space. Yup, ramping up like a stress test in the doctor’s office this is our chance to show what we are made of, to show that we have been strengthened, not destroyed by practices that have allowed us to not only survive but thrive through each successive transition. The key would seem to be that we can do this together, that none of us can do this alone, that in and through these transitions (which are about all of us, after all) we can indeed be great."
- Len Wallick
... et personne ne pourra le faire pour nous, malgré tous les moyens que nous pourrons mettre en oeuvre.
RépondreSupprimerExtrait de Rossum Universal Robots, de Karel Čapek, alors que les robots attaquent leur usine de production:
Domin: (earnestly) Alquist, this is our last hour; it's almost as if we were speaking from the other world already . Alquist, putting an end to the slavery of labour was not a bad dream. Work humiliates, anyone who's forced to do it is made small. The drudgery of labour is something dirty and murderous. Oh, Alquist, the burden of work was too much for us, life was too heavy for us, and to remove this burden...
Alquist: That was never the dream of either of the Rossums; old Rossum was thinking of Godless rubbish and young Rossum thought of nothing but making millions. And it's not the dream of RUR shareholders either; their only dream was their dividend. And it's because of their concern for their profits that mankind is about to perish.
Domin: (agitated) The Devil take their dividends! Do you think I'd have spent an hour of my time for their sakes? (thumping table) I did it for myself, d'you hear? For my own satisfaction! I wanted mankind to become his own master! I wanted him not to have to live just for the next crust of bread! I wanted not a single soul to have to go stupid standing at somebody else's machines! I wanted to leave nothing - nothing! - left of this damned mess that society's in! I hate seeing humiliation and pain all around us, I hate poverty! I wanted tostart a new generation! I wanted to... I thought that...
Alquist: What?
Domin: (quieter) I wanted mankind to become an aristocracy of the world. Free, unconstrained, sovereign. Maybe even something higher than human.
Alquist: Superhumans, you mean.
Domin: Yes. If only we'd had another hundred years. Another hundred years for the new mankind.
Busman: (sotto voce) Three hundred and seventy million, carry over. Like that.
Hallemeier: (at door, left) Music is a wonderful thing, you know. You should have been listening. There's something ennobling about it, soothing...
Fabry: What exactly?
Hallemeier: To Hell with this end of mankind! I think I'm turning into a hedonist, lads. We should have got into it much earlier. (goes to window and looks out)
Fabry: Into what?
Hallemeier: Enjoying ourselves. Beauty. Hell, there are so many beautiful things around us! The world was beautiful, and we... we here... Tell me, lads, what did we ever enjoy?